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Sport Education &
Consulting, LLC

Fundamental staff development!


Sport Education & Consulting, LLC

Fundamental staff development!


About Us

We are teachers with a wide range of successful teaching and coaching experiences who are passionate about providing superior education whether it is in the classroom, in the gym, or on the field! Far beyond the sport, instructors have the incredible privilege of molding children’s self image and thus their future.
Instructors do not teach sports; rather they teach children how to do sports. Our passion is to teach and inspire instructors by improving their delivery skills and knowledge so they can maximize their positive impact on children’s lives. When instructors are motivated to enhance their teaching methods and their relationships with the children, success is immediate, sustained, and exponential on multiple fronts. We strive to further equip instructors with the tools they need to recognize and meet children’s needs.

Instructional Training

At its core, coaching any sport is really teaching. So how can coaches improve their teaching skills to maximize success for athletes? We look to the best principles of education and translate them into theoretically sound and practical coaching methods. The same concepts master teachers use to impart knowledge in their students can be used to improve athletic performance.

Motivational Speaking

Could your staff use an emotional spark? We all get stuck in a rut occasionally. Let us help lift up your instructors and remind them that their job is of the utmost importance! They have the ability to positively impact the lives of every child they teach.


Children can rehearse and learn a variety of life skills through playing games. Do your students need to practice patience? Then play a game that requires taking turns. Do your students need to develop strength and fitness? Attention and focus? Cooperation? Team-bonding? Creative problem solving? We have games for all of these and much more!
From quick, simple ideas with minimal set-up to more complex activities, we have a massive game database to share. More importantly, we teach how to modify games to meet the various needs of your students.

American Coaching Effectiveness Program

Using Successful Coaching, America's best-selling, most comprehensive text, the American Sport Education Program's Coaching Principles course has received national recognition. This full-day, interactive seminar will challenge you to critically examine and develop your approach to the art and science of coaching.
Updated, practical information and strategies will help advance your skills and lead your athletes to success! We offer the Coaching Principles and the Sport First Aid course is coming soon. School districts can request courses specifically for their own staff.

Time to Teach™

Teachers, are you frustrated with the time and energy spent addressing persistent behavior issues? Administrators, are you aggravated with the time and energy spent on repeated referrals? How can anyone improve student performance if they constantly have to stop teaching in order to discipline students? Effective classroom management is absolutely vital to academic success! This full day course offers strategies for classrooms, buildings and districts to cohesively reform discipline. The collective approach has been proven to save precious instructional time by drastically reducing referrals and by empowering students to change their disruptive behaviors. With Diffusers, Unconditional Positive Regard, and the Refocus™ Method, educators learn to increase instructional time and reduce stress in their classrooms.
1-3 graduate credits are available for this class through Brandman University.
Download the syllabus.


We have had Bertina and Ken at our center three times. They presented to our sport instruction, education and entertainment staff. We plan to have them back very soon. They are simply the best at what they do!

—Frank Sahlein: Owner of Wings Center, Idaho

Having met Ken and Bertina at a workshop in upstate NY was a God-send. They are so patient, knowledgeable and are able to troubleshoot on the spot. They have a broad range of gymnastics expertise and capabilities. Their visiting our gym afforded us a great opportunity to personalize areas of concentration for the team kids (levels 4-8). The team and recreational programs benefited from their presentation and fun manner.

—Myra Staniszewski: Brooklyn Gymnastics Center, Brooklyn College, NY

I just wanted to thank you as I have been coaching for over 20 years, mostly in Synchronized Swimming, and I have never been more inspired then I was with your presentations. My husband coaches hockey and I was so excited to share with him when I got home.

—Tara Hannibal: President Nanaimo Gymnastics School, BC Canada